
Share Like an Artist: Unlocking Your Creative Potential with Austin Kleon’s Principles

Creativity isn’t reserved for the chosen few; it’s a wellspring that flows within each of us. Austin Kleon, a renowned author and artist, offers a roadmap for nurturing and expressing your inner artist. In his book, “Show Your Work! 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered,” Kleon outlines ten principles that can empower anyone to unlock their creative potential. Today, we’ll delve into these principles, each one a stepping stone on the path to becoming a more prolific and confident creator.

  1. You Just Need to Be Yourself

The first principle is liberating – you don’t need to be anyone else. Your uniqueness is your strength. Embrace your individuality, and let it shine through your work.

  1. Nothing Is Original

Originality can be intimidating, but Kleon reminds us that nothing is entirely original. Everything is built on what came before. Embrace your influences, remix them, and add your own twist.

  1. You Don’t Have to Be a Genius

You don’t need to possess genius-level talent to create something meaningful. The pursuit of creativity is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the ride.

  1. Think Process, Not Product

Instead of fixating on the end result, focus on the creative process itself. Each step, every mistake, and all the learning that happens along the way is part of the art.

  1. Share Something Small Every Day

Consistency is key. Share your work, no matter how small, on a regular basis. This builds momentum and keeps your creative muscles flexed.

  1. Open Up Your Cabinet of Curiosities

We all have unique interests and passions. Don’t be afraid to showcase your quirks and curiosities. Sharing your obsessions can lead to surprising connections.

  1. Tell Good Stories

Storytelling is a universal art form. Whether you’re a writer, painter, or musician, your ability to craft compelling narratives will resonate with your audience.

  1. Teach What You Know

Teaching isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s about sharing your journey. When you teach what you know, you solidify your own understanding and inspire others.

  1. Don’t Turn Into Human Spam

In the age of social media, it’s easy to become overly self-promotional. Find a balance between sharing your work and engaging with others. Authenticity matters.

  1. Learn to Take a Punch

Criticism and setbacks are part of the creative process. Instead of letting them deter you, use them as opportunities for growth and resilience.

  1. Sell Out

Kleon’s unconventional bonus principle encourages artists not to fear commercial success. Embrace opportunities that allow you to support your creative pursuits.

  1. Stick Around

Lastly, persistence pays off. The longer you stick with your creative endeavors, the more you’ll learn, grow, and discover your unique voice.


Austin Kleon’s principles offer a roadmap for anyone looking to unlock their inner artist and share their creativity with the world. Remember, you don’t need to be a genius or create something entirely original. Your unique perspective and authentic storytelling are your greatest assets. By embracing the process, sharing your work consistently, and staying true to yourself, you can embark on a fulfilling creative journey that leaves a lasting impact. So, go ahead and share like an artist – the world is waiting to discover your unique vision.


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