
Three Simple Steps by Trevor Blake | Book Summary

Three Simple Steps

Author: Trevor Blake

Title: Three Simple Steps 

Subtitle: A Map to Success in Business and Life 

Genre: Self-Help


I made up my mind that I was going to take away from this book, the benefits of practicing the principles described by the author. 


I was determined to practice, repeat and position myself to become a success in business and in life. 


I read the book about five times because I wanted to find out what works. What I found was amazing: it is so simple that it can be missed. 


He advocates that we think what we want rather than what we are against. 


He says the more you are against something the more you attract it. I found that to be true in my life. 


He uses a saying from Mother Theresa where she says she is not against war but she is for peace. 


I got it because I felt aggrieved and went about saying that I hated nursing. The more I said I hated my job, the more miserable I became. 


When I started to be thankful for my profession, I began to enjoy my career more and I found myself working alongside some rather pleasant nurses who have remained friendly with me to this day.


Blake advocated a method where you take a deep breath, think about your reaction to your thoughts and choose how you want to react.


Step 1 is about habitually thinking about what you want. 


He talks about controlling sensory input, which includes avoiding chronic complainers, gossip and criticisms.


He encourages you to be self-aware, redirect the negative conversation and if you revert to your old toxic way of thinking, “be kind to yourself and smother negative thoughts with positive”.


He also says that we way we feel can make us issue words which can be destructive to the speaker and listener. 


Distance yourself from negative commentaries and put on your mentality shield.


Blake promises that small changes in your thoughts and reactions will get you out of your version of quicksand.


Step 2 is about positioning yourself to have more moments of insight in your life.


He encourages you to pay attention to your inner journey and also work on changing patterns of behaviour in your life. 


He encourages you to take time to be quiet and think about things that you are grateful for.


He asks you to breathe and relax.


In the stillness you experience, he encourages you to make a covenant with yourself. 


I personally found the covenant to be so empowering because it is a commitment that I will take full control of my mentality and accept full responsibility and accountability for my experiences. 


It also states that I intend to let abundance flow into my life and commit to changing all patterns of destructive behaviour. 


I find myself since signing this contract really stopping and thinking about how I want to react.


Prior to signing this contract, I found it hard to accept that I had a part to play in what happened to me, now though I see how big a part I have to play in what I think and do.


In moments of stillness, he says come insight. I wholeheartedly agree.


The author suggests that you take this moment of silence, alone, early, sitting and relaxing. 


He also encourages you to put your feet on the ground. 


He asks you to note the result Step 2 brings. 


What I find interesting is that the more I practice and the more I practise stillness, the easier and more cohesive it becomes. 


I’ll just say it’s worth reading the book.


Step 3 is where you write your intention in the past tense.


Make them personal and rich in adjectives. 


He advised that you write your financial intention, your achievement intention, lifestyle intention and material intention.


He says to write out your intentions daily and speak them out. 


He says you should imagine your intention after your quiet time.


He advises that you keep your intention private, be disciplined about it and feel no guilt about it.


He is a lifelong learner, a physicist and one who talks about energy.


I personally intend to keep practising these three steps. I can see the benefits and changes in my life already.


I wanted to give up on writing this review but I thought why not? Someone might be waiting for it. I know success in business and life is imminent. I know it.


Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life. Trevor Blake


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